Sharing is a business model and a business philosophy.

Profit & Revenue Sharing is our business model.

When most people think of owning a business they don’t usually think of the word sharing. Most business owners start a business to make a profit for themselves, not for other people.

In this article I am going to introduce you to how sharing is a business model and a business philosophy.

We all know that our regular jobs pay us a wage for our time and effort, in most cases our regular jobs pay us a weekly paycheck or a salary. Even jobs that require a higher education like you get at college or a university still only pay you a wage for your time and effort. I think this is pretty common around the world.

The education you get growing up in school and the higher education you get in college or a university is called a formal education. A formal education will make you a living and hopefully pay all your bills, and if your wages are good enough you may even have some left over to save up for your retirement years when you get old.

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If you want to make more money then a regular job pay’s you have to have a different type of education and learn how to work to earn a profit instead of wages.

In the quote by Jim Rohn above it is called self-education. Jim Rohn was a famous business coach here in America. He was famous for his books and public speaking on business philosophy. His teachings and books are where I have got a lot of my self-education. One of his most famous quotes is, profits are better than wages.

Jim Rohn 3

I am also a fan of Robert Kiyosaki’s books RICHDAD POORDAD and CASHFLOW QUADRANT. Robert is also famous for his books and teachings on business. Self-education has always been a big part of my life and I started this blog to share what I have learned with my readers.

There are a lot of reasons that profits are better than wages. The first would be that a profit based income can grow to be a lot bigger than a wage based income. The second reason is that a profit based income can give you financial freedom.

The company I am writing this blog about uses a business model that is based on sharing the profits and revenue with the people who represent them. They chose this business model because they want their company to grow and be very successful. All business owners want their companies to grow and be successful.

The best way to look at a company like this is with the eyes of a business owner. The first step is to think of what you would want if you started your own business. You would start your business with the goal of building a business with lots of happy customers. You would want these customers to be happy loyal customers for the rest of their life.

I am sure if you were starting your own business you would also want to find good people to work for your business. You would set a goal to find the best people possible to work for your business, you would want to find people that you could depend on to help the business grow and be successful.

If your like me you would want to create a work environment where every worker only had to do their share of the work and that they were paid well for their efforts.

By setting goals like this you are developing a business philosophy of equal pay for equal work. By developing a philosophy of equal pay for equal work you are creating an environment where the workers can work together as a team of people who care about your business and each other.

The main goal of every business and company is to have happy loyal customers and happy loyal works. If you started your own business that would be your goal I’m sure.

The profit and revenue sharing business model is designed so that the customers and workers are the same people. When you become a customer you are also given the opportunity to become a worker for the company, if you become a worker for the company and put in your share of the effort to help the company grow you can earn a share of the profits and revenues.

The company I am teaching people about with my blog is Global Domains International. I think this company has the best profit and revenue sharing business model for several reasons.

The first reason is that it is designed to become a life time residual income for everyone who decides to become a happy loyal customer and worker for the company.

The second reason is it does not involve buying or selling any physical products.

The third reason is the price or cost involved, I like earning money not spending money.

Becoming a Brand Representative is becoming a business owner, we work as independent contractors so each one of us is a business owner.

The work we do is marketing and advertising, my articles are designed to be educational but they are still a form of marketing and advertising.

Becoming a Brand Representative is like starting an advertising agency in a way, but instead of just looking for people to buy something we are looking for people who want to earn a share of the profits and revenue as well.

The internet business system that comes with each domain and website hosting package from Global Domains International is called The Income For Life Program.

The internet business system is how we earn a share of the profits and revenue and it is the main reason to become a customer of the company. Were not out looking for people who want to own a website, we are looking for people who want to earn a profit with a business of their own.

Starting a business of your own may sound scary or risky to you and I understand that.

That is why I think a business like this should have a community element to it. We want people to join the Income For Life Program and become part of a business community.

I believe WordPress is designed to be a community for people who like to write as bloggers and is the perfect platform for creating a business community.

One of my blogging goals is to build a WordPress Business Community with The Income For Life Program being the business system that we use to build a life time residual income with, I haven’t got it all figured out yet but with your help I am sure we can put it all together and make it work.

If you are a new reader of my blog and not sure what The Income For Life Program is then I want to make sure you know right now.

The Income For Life Program is an affiliate membership program, it is a complete internet business system that is included with every domain name and website hosting package sold by Global Domains International.

It is a type of affiliate marketing so it is similar to the affiliate marketing programs used by most lifestyle bloggers. The main difference is we are not selling physical products, we are selling memberships into The Income For Life Program and our business community.

I am hoping this article will help you better understand the business system I am promoting here with this blog and the mindset of building a life time residual income.

If you have questions for me you can ask them by posting a comment to any of my articles and I will get back with you as soon as possible.

Here are some links you may find educational.

What is The Income For Life Program?

What does an affiliate website look like?

Jim Rohn 2

Thanks for reading this article, post a comment so we can have a conversation.

Mark, the Residual Income Teacher

Are you stuck in a job you hate and looking for a better career with life time income, instead of a little paycheck?

How many people do you know that love their job?  Do you love your job?

How many people do you know that are getting paid what they are worth?

Are you getting paid what you are worth?

I bet there are millions of people working jobs that they hate and not getting paid what they are worth. Why do you stay with a job you hate and not enough pay?

The reason people stay with jobs they hate is because that is the only way they know how to earn money. That is the reason I stayed at jobs I didn’t like.

Here’s my story, I was raised by parents that were hard working people that believed a job was the only way to earn a living. They didn’t read many books and never took the time to do any type of research on the different ways money can be earned. They thought owning a business was scary and risky so they never considered owning a business. They were old when the internet was created and could not understand it at all.

This is the same story of most America’s because we are taught to go to school and then get a job and work the rest of your life and hopefully if your luck you can retire around the age of 65.

I recently posted an article about how 47 percent of American’s live paycheck to paycheck and 53 percent of American’s have no money saved for retirement.

The employers here in America don’t pay enough to keep up with the raising cost of living or enough to save for retirement.

I’m sure these same problems are the same everywhere in the world.Rich-Dad-Poor-Dad

I have always been a reader and I started reading books on the different ways to earn money. One of the most important things I learned was that there are different kinds of income.

I become a big fan of Robert Kiyosaki’s books RICHDAD POORDAD and CASHFLOW QUADRANT. This books are about what rich people teach their children about earning money. The rich people around the world don’t teach their children to get a job and work their who life for someone else.

The rich people in the world teach their children to build businesses to earn money for them. The rich people teach their children to start businesses and hire people like us who have been taught to work for money. That is why they are rich and we are not.Cashflow-Quadrant-Front of Book

The rich people of the world teach their children to earn a better type of income with their businesses. Some people call it passive income and some call it residual income.

The benefit of using a business system to earn residual income is once the business system is built and up and running the income keeps coming in for the rest of your life without you having to work.

In Robert’s book CASHFLOW QUADRANT he writes about some of the business systems we can use to earn residual income the same way the rich do. There is some work involved into getting started but after in is up and running the business system will earn your income for you the rest of your life.

I went and found the easiest internet business system I could find and that is what I am writing this blog about, the business system is called The Income For Life Program.

Building a business to have an Income For Life is what the rich people of the world teach their children to do and we can do it our selfies and teach our children to do the same.

We can also teach our friends and family and everyone else we come in contact with here at our blogs. The beauty of this is you can make a career of teaching people how to build a Life Time Residual Income of their own.

The Income For Life Program is an affiliate membership program, it is an internet business system that is similar to the affiliate marketing done by the lifestyle bloggers.

The big difference is that we are not trying to get our followers and audience to buy products or things like e-books. We just want to help them make money.

We also don’t need to be getting their e-mail address because we are going to have conversations with them right here at our blogs. I personally would never use one of those e-mail marketing programs because I hate getting spam e-mail myself.

If you do have a job that you hate and you want to learn how to build a life time residual income right here of the internet with an internet business system get in touch with me.

You can start a conversation with me by posting a comment right here at my blog and feel free to ask any questions you have.

Here is a link to one of my affiliate websites that you can check out if you want, the pictures below are screen shots of the website so you know what to expect.

Affiliate Website Freedom

Freedom 2

Freedom 3

Freedom 4

This is just one of the affiliate websites included with the internet business system called the Income For Life Program. Here is a link to a another one and a screen shot of it.

Affiliate Website WS

With a simple business system like this we can help a lot of people build a life time residual income. Start a conversation with me by posting a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Mark, the Residual Income Teacher

Monetizing Your Blog, by teaching your audience how to build a Life Time Passive Residual Income of their own!


You Can Teach Life Time Residual Income

The goal for starting this blog is to teach my readers how to build an Income For Life of their own. I want to help my audience build a Life Time Residual Income instead of selling you products. My mission in life is to help as many people as possible build a Life Time Residual Income of their own.

If you don’t know what I mean by residual income you are not alone, most people don’t so teaching residual income is very important. The best way to figure out what residual income is, think about your bills. You have to pay yours bills every month so they are residual bills, residual means recurring over and over again. The purpose of building a residual income is to pay the residual bills every month.

Affiliate marketing is very common in the world of blogging and I want to help you build a Life Time Residual Income using an internet business system based on affiliate marketing. The internet business system I am teaching at this blog is called The Income For Life Program.

Most affiliate marketers want their audience to click a link to buy physical products, I am doing things a little different. I want you click a link and signup to become my business partner. Together we can teach people all over the world how to build a Life Time Income of their own. Teaching people how the program works is the work we do.

I Teach Residual Income

Global Domains International is by far the simplest and most cost effective business opportunity on the internet today. The basic membership package is just 10 dollars a month and includes everything you need to start earning money today. The business opportunity is a simple referral program that starts with a 7 day free trail period so you can look at everything before committing to a long term involvement. Best of all you can be proud to introduce your family and friends and blog followers to the affiliate membership program and work with them to develop a lifetime monthly residual income together.

You Can Teach Residual Income Too

This is the prefect type of business opportunity for lots of reasons, I think the best part is it does not involve any buying or selling of physical products. All we do is teach people how to build a monthly residual income as a member of the Income For Life program. As bloggers I thing we can help a lot of people by helping them build a monthly residual income and financial freedom for a better future.

I know that starting a business is scary to some The Journey Outwardspeople and I understand that. One of the best things about WordPress is it is a big online community so we can support people in a community environment. I think WordPress is the perfect place to build a business community of people helping people.

Working together in a business community environment we can use our blogs to help each other and teach people all over the world how to become financially free using The Income For Life Program to build a life time residual income.

In affiliate marketing we use affiliate links to send people to affiliate websites. The affiliate websites my links will send you to have all the information you will need to know about the company Global Domains International. We don’t have to write articles about the company because the websites do all that work for us.

I call this being a Brand Representative, by writing articles like this one I am representing the company and teaching people about the internet business system.

I am representing the business system by writing articles to teach people how to use it to build a life time residual income of their own.

As bloggers writing articles is what we do and it is how the work is done here on the internet. We are a WordPress community of writers so the work is something we are already doing here on WordPress.

The pictures below are screen shots of one of the affiliate websites included with the internet business system. As you look at the screen shots you will see that all the information about the company is at this website. We have some bonuses people can earn and many additional ways to earn money as well.

If you want to have a conversation just post a comment and I will get back with you as soon as possible, we can build a WordPress business community of bloggers writing articles to help our audience build a life time residual income.

This is screen shots and the link to one of my affiliate websites,

Affiliate Website WS

Affiliate Website WS 2

Affiliate Website WS 3

Affiliate Website WS 4

Go to the website and check it all out for yourself.

Have a super wonderful day,


How to ask the followers of your blog if they want or need to make more money.

As bloggers we are always writing articles for our followers to read. Have you ever wondered if your followers needed to make more money? Have you ever wondered if your followers wanted to make more money? Have you ever ask your followers if they would like to learn how to make more money?

Using a blog to earn money is very common these days.

Write an article and ask your followers if they would like to learn how to use their blog to earn some money.

WordPress is like a big community of bloggers from all over the world.

In a community like this we should be acting like a community and learning about the other people in the community.

I have been reading blogs from all over the world and learning things I would have never learned if I would not have started my blog here on WordPress.

One thing I do know is that earning money is a universal need every where in the world.

Some times I think YouTubers are the luckiest content creators of all because YouTube pay’s them. I know they have to get lots of views and subscribers but once they have enough videos at their channel they can sit back and the money comes in.

I am not a video type of person so I would not do any good on YouTube, and I have read enough articles here to know that WordAds does not pay much here on WordPress.

I have a solution for us bloggers here on WordPress.

My solution is to use our blogs to build a life time residual income, the first step will be to find the bloggers here on WordPress that want or need to make money as a blogger.

In order to do this we need to be writing articles asking our followers if they want to build a life time residual income as a blogger.

One of my blogging goals is to build a community of like minded bloggers here on WordPress, starting a community starts with starting the conversation.

Money is the currency of life.

If you are reading this and don’t have any desire to make money as a blogger I completely understand.

But, if you have a desire to make money as a blogger then I would like to introduce you to a simple internet business system that is designed to become a life time residual income.

If you don’t know what residual income is then think of the bills you have to pay every month, they are residual bills because they have to be paid every month.

The internet business system that I am promoting and teaching here with my blog is designed to become a residual income that is paid to you every month.

My goal is to provide the education on how the business system works so you can see for yourself what I mean by it being simple to learn and work.

The way it is designed it is best to look at it as a math formula, money is based on math and so is this business system.

One of the first things to think about when starting a business is the monthly operating cost, the business system I am teaching only cost 10 dollars a month to own and operate.

Once you know how much it cost to own and operate the business you can easily understand that everything you earn above 10 dollars a monthly profit.

Profit is what every business owner wants and needs.

So the goal for each person working this internet business system is to earn a large enough profit to pay all those residual bills that you have every month.

The business system I am teaching is called The Income For Life Program.

If your like me you are going to need income for the rest of your life to pay all the bills so this business system is designed to become a life time residual income.

If you have children or grandchildren you can even pass the business on to them if you want too.

Readers Are Leaders.

I have learned everything I know by reading, reading, and more reading.

That means that I have learned everything I know from writers, mostly book writers.

I believe readers are leaders because if you read and can understand what you read you can learn anything you want to learn.

Writing articles here at this blog is how I am going to be teaching people how to use The Income For Life Program to build a life time residual income.

Writing articles here at my blog is how I plan to find the bloggers here on WordPress who want to build a life time residual income.

I am also going to use pictures to help illustrate things to but my main focus will be on writing articles and having conversations with people who leave comments.

The Income For Life Program is an Affiliate Membership Program and this is a link to one of my earlier articles that will help you understand it better.

Jim Rohn 3

Start a conversation with your blogs followers to see if any of them would like to learn how to build a life time residual income right here on the internet.

Have a super wonderful day.

Mark, the Residual Income Teacher


Sharing is a business model and a business philosophy.

When most people think of owning a business they don’t usually think of the word sharing. Most business owners start a business to make a profit for themselves, not for other people.

In this article I am going to introduce you to how sharing is a business model and a business philosophy.

We all know that our regular jobs pay us a wage for our time and effort, in most cases our regular jobs pay us a weekly paycheck or a salary. Even jobs that require a higher education like you get at college or a university still only pay you a wage for your time and effort. I think this is pretty common around the world.

The education you get growing up in school and the higher education you get in college or a university is called a formal education. A formal education will make you a living and hopefully pay all your bills, and if your wages are good enough you may even have some left over to save up for your retirement years when you get old.

Jim Rohn 1

If you want to make more money then a regular job pay’s you have to have a different type of education and learn how to work to earn a profit instead of wages.

In the quote by Jim Rohn above it is called self-education. Jim Rohn was a famous business coach here in America. He was famous for his books and public speaking on business philosophy. His teachings and books are where I have got a lot of my self-education. One of his most famous quotes is, profits are better than wages.

Jim Rohn 3

I am also a fan of Robert Kiyosaki’s books RICHDAD POORDAD and CASHFLOW QUADRANT. Robert is also famous for his books and teachings on business. Self-education has always been a big part of my life and I started this blog to share what I have learned with my readers.

There are a lot of reasons that profits are better than wages. The first would be that a profit based income can grow to be a lot bigger than a wage based income. The second reason is that a profit based income can give you financial freedom.

The company I am writing this blog about uses a business model that is based on sharing the profits and revenue with the people who represent them. They chose this business model because they want their company to grow and be very successful. All business owners want their companies to grow and be successful.

The best way to look at a company like this is with the eyes of a business owner. The first step is to think of what you would want if you started your own business. You would start your business with the goal of building a business with lots of happy customers. You would want these customers to be happy loyal customers for the rest of their life.

I am sure if you were starting your own business you would also want to find good people to work for your business. You would set a goal to find the best people possible to work for your business, you would want to find people that you could depend on to help the business grow and be successful.

If your like me you would want to create a work environment where every worker only had to do their share of the work and that they were paid well for their efforts.

By setting goals like this you are developing a business philosophy of equal pay for equal work. By developing a philosophy of equal pay for equal work you are creating an environment where the workers can work together as a team of people who care about your business and each other.

The main goal of every business and company is to have happy loyal customers and happy loyal works. If you started your own business that would be your goal I’m sure.

The profit and revenue sharing business model is designed so that the customers and workers are the same people. When you become a customer you are also given the opportunity to become a worker for the company, if you become a worker for the company and put in your share of the effort to help the company grow you can earn a share of the profits and revenues.

The company I am teaching people about with my blog is Global Domains International. I think this company has the best profit and revenue sharing business model for several reasons.

The first reason is that it is designed to become a life time residual income for everyone who decides to become a happy loyal customer and worker for the company.

The second reason is it does not involve buying or selling any physical products.

The third reason is the price or cost involved, I like earning money not spending money.

Becoming a Brand Representative is becoming a business owner, we work as independent contractors so each one of us is a business owner.

The work we do is marketing and advertising, my articles are designed to be educational but they are still a form of marketing and advertising.

Becoming a Brand Representative is like starting an advertising agency in a way, but instead of just looking for people to buy something we are looking for people who want to earn a share of the profits and revenue as well.

The internet business system that comes with each domain and website hosting package from Global Domains International is called The Income For Life Program.

The internet business system is how we earn a share of the profits and revenue and it is the main reason to become a customer of the company. Were not out looking for people who want to own a website, we are looking for people who want to earn a profit with a business of their own.The Journey Outwards

Starting a business of your own may sound scary or risky to you and I understand that.

That is why I think a business like this should have a community element to it. We want people to join the Income For Life Program and become part of a business community.

I believe WordPress is designed to be a community for people who like to write as bloggers and is the perfect platform for creating a business community.

One of my blogging goals is to build a WordPress Business Community with The Income For Life Program being the business system that we use to build a life time residual income with, I haven’t got it all figured out yet but with your help I am sure we can put it all together and make it work.

If you are a new reader of my blog and not sure what The Income For Life Program is then I want to make sure you know right now.

The Income For Life Program is an affiliate membership program, it is a complete internet business system that is included with every domain name and website hosting package sold by Global Domains International.

It is a type of affiliate marketing so it is similar to the affiliate marketing programs used by most lifestyle bloggers. The main difference is we are not selling physical products, we are selling memberships into The Income For Life Program and our business community.

I am hoping this article will help you better understand the business system I am promoting here with this blog and the mindset of building a life time residual income.

If you have questions for me you can ask them by posting a comment to any of my articles and I will get back with you as soon as possible.

Here are some links to my earlier articles you may find educational.

What is The Income For Life Program?

Monetizing a blog by teaching residual income.

What does an affiliate website look like?

Jim Rohn 2

How to become a Digital Nomad and live the life of a Lifestyle blogger, by helping your audience build a life time Residual Income.

Have you ever wanted to live the life style of your favorite life style blogger? Most life style bloggers use affiliate marketing to earn their income from their blog. Did you know you can do the same thing? Did you know you have the ability to help your audience do the same thing?business-close-up-commerce-266176

I did a Google search on what a digital nomad is, a digital nomad is someone who can do their work from anywhere in the world using their computer and the internet. There were some other definitions but you get the ideal.

You can become a Digital Nomad and help your audience at the same time with the affiliate membership program that I am teaching here at my blog. The affiliate membership program I am teaching here at my blog is completely on the internet and you can use your laptop or tablet computer or maybe just your cell phone to do your work.

Sounds pretty awesome, doesn’t it.

You can do your work from anywhere in the world, and when ever you want too.

What I’m talking about is turning your blog into a business, but not the same type of business that most lifestyle bloggers do. I don’t really like the normal type of affiliate marketing programs where you are trying to get your audience and followers to spend money on physical products.

I found an affiliate membership program that is designed for people who want to become a digital nomad be building a life time monthly residual income. It is not a get rich quick kinda thing and it is a business so there is work to do to get it up and running.

So if I have your interest then let me tell you what kind of work is involved to become a digital nomad so you can live the life of your favorite lifestyle blogger.Jim Rohn 1

The main goal of this work is to teach our audience and followers how to build a life time residual income by using the affiliate membership program. So this is in my opinion a better way to earn a living then trying to get them to spend a bunch of money. I personally don’t like the ideal of expecting my audience and followers to spend money.

The affiliate membership program I am teaching here at my blog is called The Income For Life Program. It is a internet based business system that is designed to become a life time residual income for everyone who becomes a Brand Representative for the program. So we are representing a company with an internet based business system and not a company that has products to sell.

The cool thing is we can use our blogs to teach people how to use the internet based business system from anywhere in the world, because the whole business is here on the internet.

Now I am going to tell you what the hard part is, it is very hard to find the people who want to build a life time residual income. You see, we need to find people who want to build a monthly residual income of at least 4 to 5 thousand dollars a month in monthly residual income, these type of people are hard to find.Jim Rohn 2

The way I see it we are going to have to use marketing and advertising to find some people that want to make a large monthly residual income. We could also try to find a bunch of people who want to make 1 to 2 thousand dollars a month or any amount of monthly residual income that would give them the financial freedom they desire.

The best type of marketing and advertising I know of is education. If we teach enough people to understand how The Income For Life Program works, maybe we will find enough people wanting that large monthly commission check to become digital nomads.The Journey Outwards

The way I see it the best route to go is to start a blogging community, we can call it The Income For Life WordPress community. I made a little picture to serve as our logo for now.

We can focus our efforts on teaching people how The Income For Life Program works and inviting bloggers to become part of our online WordPress community.

One of the coolest things about WordPress is there are over a million daily bloggers on the WordPress platform every single day. If each one of us just try’s to find 4 to 5 of these bloggers who want to become a digital nomad with a 4 to 5 thousand dollar a month residual income then we can all become digital nomads.

If this is the first article of mine you have read then you may think I am a bit crazy right now. If you go read some of my earlier articles I have wrote you will have a better understanding of who I am and what the Income For Life Program is. If you have read some of my earlier articles you should be getting a bigger mental picture of what I am here for and how I plan to accomplish my goals as a blogger.IMG_352454452807806.jpeg

I have big dreams and goals and a plan to make them happen, I’m looking for the other bloggers who have big dreams and goals and are looking for a way to make them happen.

That way I see things if I can accomplish my goals and dreams by helping other bloggers accomplish their goals and dreams then that is the path I am going to travel.

I am a very serious person and I am looking for people who want to earn an income as a blogger. Writing articles like this is work because I am trying to find business partners. If you have an interest in learning how this internet business system can become a life time residual income than start by asking me the questions that you have.

Blogging to me is all about building a community and making new friends so if you like what you have read here then get in touch by posting a comment and I will get back with you as soon as I possible can.

Mark, The Residual Income Teacher

Here is a link to one of my articles to help you better understand The Income For Life Program.

How to teach Residual Income as a Brand Representative of The Income For Life Program

Affiliate Website Freedom

What is The Income For Life Program?

The Income For Life Program is a business system designed for people who want to build a life time residual income here on the internet. It is a complete business with everything included to build a life time residual income. The one thing that does not come with the business package is the training on how it works. Providing the training is what I do as a Brand Representative, that is why I call my blog Residual Income Teacher. My job is to teach you and your followers how to build a life time residual income with the program.

Affiliate Website WS

The 2 images you are seeing here are screen shots of 2 of our affiliate websites. This is an affiliate membership program so the business system includes affiliate websites. The big difference with our affiliate program is we are not trying to get our audience to buy products, we want to help our audience make money instead of trying to get them to spend money.

My goal as a Brand Representative is to help people all over the world build a life time monthly residual income. The way I plan on doing that is by providing the training needed for people to learn how to use the Income For Life Program.

The Income For Life WordPress Community

My goal is to build a WordPress Community of people who care about each other and that want to help each other build a life time residual income together. The Income For Life Program is a beautiful and simple business system that anyone can learn.

Here are some of the things I like best about the program.

  1. We do not have to buy or sell any type of physical products.
  2. It has a very low start up cost and operating cost.
  3. It is based on very simple math that we already know and understand.
  4. It will replace your need for a job that does not pay you what your worth anyway.
  5. It will become your retirement plan and give you financial freedom.Income Calculator 1

I have an article here at my blog that is designed to be a simple training program. I based the training program on one of the tools that is included with the business package. The tool is called the income calculator, look at the picture to right, it is a screen shot of the income calculator. It is a fun tool to play with because it illustrates how simple the math is with the business system, all you need to learn is a simple math formula. You can check out the income calculator for yourself at the affiliate website called freedom. If you look at the screen shot image at the top of the page you will see the button to visit the income calculator is in the middle of the header when you visit this affiliate website. The freedom we want to help people have is financial freedom so you can live a life with time freedom.

You can help your followers and audience become financially free.

The goal of a Brand Representative for the Income For Life affiliate membership program is to help our followers and audience to become financially free. The way we do this is by first teaching them how residual income works. In our program each Brand Representative earns monthly residual commission from the monthly payments of the Brand Representatives that have joined the Income For Life Program as a result of the teaching they have done. The multi layer commission structure is not all the hard to understand when you think about it with the mindset of a business owner.

We teach monthly residual income.

There are two things a business needs for a business to grow and be successful. The first one is happy loyal customers and the second is happy loyal workers. The multi layer business system solves both these problems by combining the two together. I am a happy loyal customer and a happy loyal worker,( Brand Representative ). These two things is what every business owner wants. The multi layer business system is designed as a profit and revenue sharing business system and gives the workers the ability to work as much or as little as they want to. Each person decides for themselves how much time and effort to put into promoting and teaching the business to other people, and it works best when people work together as a community.

This is affiliate marketing done the right way for the right reason.

The work is teaching people how to use The Income For Life Program to build a life time residual income. We do this work by writing articles like this one and the one I call the 5+5+5 training program. I find this type of work enjoyable and think you will too.

Here are the tools of the trade so to speak, these are affiliate websites we all have to use to invite people to become part of the community and the links to my training program to illustrate how The Income For Life Program works.

Website affiliate link, Freedom affiliate link, The 5+5+5 Training Program.

Residual Incomeis thegreatest actof optimism.

I am designing my blog to provide all the online training the anyone will need. All anyone really needs to learn is a simple math formula. If you can learn this math formula you have what it takes to build an Income For Life.

What I am teaching here is a type of affiliate marketing, instead of selling a physical product we are promoting an internet business system designed for people who want to build a life time income.

With this program you don’t need a lot of followers or traffic to your blog because we are a sharing type of business where the goal for each person is small. You will see what I mean in the training program. What you would need to do is write a post asking your followers if they would like to learn how to build a life time residual income as a blogger, I am sure the ones who are interested will engage you in a conversation. As bloggers our goal is the have these conversations with our followers so we can build a community of blogging friends.

Ask your followers if they would like to build a life time residual income,

asking them is how you get the conversation going.

The best way to figure it all out is to ask questions right here by posting your questions as a comment.

If you want to have a conversation just post a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Would you like to be part of The Income For Life WordPress Community?

The Journey Outwards

I came here to WordPress to start a Community for people who want to build a life time residual income as a blogger. The affiliate membership program I am teaching is fairly simple to learn, it is based on very simple math everyone should already know.

It is a complete business system that only cost 10 dollars a month, that is a very low operating cost for a complete business system.

I will provide all the training right here at my blog, I have already wrote several articles on how the business system works and will write more as they are needed.

It is not a get rich quick business, but it is designed to become a life time source of income. It is designed for people who like helping people in a community forum.

It is a type of affiliate marketing that we use education as our marketing strategy.

Think about it and ask questions by posting a comment to this post and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Mark, the Residual Income Teacher.

How to understand an affiliate website that will do a lot of work for you.

One of the best parts of using a business system that is already built for you is the tools that come with the business system. The affiliate websites that come with the business system I am teaching here at this blog do a lot of work for me. I will teach you how to use these tools to work for you as well.

If you have read some of my other articles you should know I am a brand representative for a company called Global Domains International. This company has a business system that comes with each domain they register for their customers. The business system is called The Income For Life Program and the business system is based on profit and revenue sharing. It is a business system designed for people who want to build a life time monthly residual income that will become a retirement income for all the brand representatives who represent the company.

The business system is an affiliate membership program based on very simple math we all already know. The cool thing about the affiliate websites is they are where all the information about the company and the business system can be found. As a brand representative I teach people how to use them to educate the public about residual income.

This is the Affiliate Website we call Freedom

Affiliate Website Freedom

At the top of the page is the header, it has several buttons that lead to additional information. It has the name of the company I represent and the name of the business system that is included, Income For Life is what we want each brand representative to have and the freedom we are wanting to help you have is financial freedom.

Freedom 2

As you can see there is a video that they made back at the start of the company, back then they thought the video would do a good job at describing the company. The problem with this is that most people don’t know what residual income is or how it works so people do need to have education on how residual income provides financial freedom.

Freedom 3

The income calculator is on this page and is a great tool to use to understand the math and how a profit and revenue sharing income can give you financial freedom. It also illustrates how the shared work load works with this business system. The business system is based on sharing the work and the profits and revenue.

Freedom 4

At the bottom of the page it has information about their website building tool and on the right side it high lights people who are working as brand representatives all over the world.

This is just one of the affiliate websites that come with The Income For Life business system. As you can see it is loaded with information and tools to help people learn about the company and business of teaching life time residual income.

Here is my link to the Freedom affiliate website and maybe someday I can include links to your Freedom affiliate website.The Journey Outwards

One of my blogging goals is to build a WordPress Community called,

The Income For Life

WordPress Community.

Have a super wonderful day,

Mark, the Residual Income Teacher

How to use an Affiliate Membership Program to help your audience build a life time residual income.


Would you like to help your audience build a life time residual income?

Blogging is a great way to connect with people and it can be a way to help the people who become your audience, you can help yourself by helping your audience.

Look at that image above and read it carefully, it say’s you can have everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want. That is a quote that I believe is true if you have a true desire to use your blog to help people get what they want.

Do you want to use your blog to help people become financially free?

I know a lot of bloggers come here to WordPress to own a blog just because they enjoy writing. I think that is great because I enjoy writing to, but I also want to use my blog and love for writing to help my audience. That is why I decided to write this blog I named Residual Income Teacher, I want to help my audience build a life time residual income.

What is an Affiliate Membership Program? 

There are a lot of bloggers who use affiliate marketing programs to monetize their blog by selling products to their audience. They earn a commission from the products that are bought when someone clicks the affiliate link and buys a product. I don’t like that type of affiliate marketing program because only a few of the bloggers that use them ever make any really good amounts of commission.

I like an affiliate membership program designed to become a life time source of monthly residual commission. The goal with this program is to provide the audience with training so they can use the program to build a life time residual income. My goal for this blog is to make it into an online training program to show my audience how it all works. This affiliate membership program is a complete business system. It comes with everything you will need to build a life time residual income of your own by helping your audience do the same. It is a type of marketing but instead of trying to get my audience to buy products I am teaching my audience how to use a business system

What is monthly residual commission?

The affiliate membership program is a complete business system with everything you need included to start earning commission on day one. Like all businesses there is a cost to owning and operating a business, we have a basic membership package that only cost 10 dollars a month, half of that is paid back out the next month in the form of monthly residual commission. The monthly residual commission is paid out to the members who are teaching their audience how to use the business system to build a life time monthly residual commission with the program. The beauty of this is that everything you earn above 10 dollars a month is profit. The goal is to teach people how to make enough profit so they can become financially free for the rest of their life.

My goal is to teach you how to earn a profit large enough to live on.

My goal for this blog is to teach my audience how to build a business with a profit large enough to live on for the rest of their life. That is what the image at the top of the page is saying, I want to have a business with a profit large enough to live on so my goal is to teach you how to build a business with a profit large enough to live on. I want to help other people get what they want so I can have what I want.

I can teach you and your audience how to build a life time residual income.

This affiliate membership program is actually very simple, to earn commission with this program you need to teach your audience how it works. The beauty of this business system is you only need to teach a few people to get the commission checks started coming your way. I have a training program here at this blog already I call the 5+5+5 training program, it is a simple math formula that illustrates how the program works if each person only trains 5 new people each. Training 5 new people is not that much work compared to most of the jobs people are working today. Some people call this referral marketing, all you need to do is a post on your blog asking your current audience if they want to learn how to build a life time monthly residual income. All your going to be doing at first is having conversations with your audience to find out which ones want to help their audience make money. Helping your audience learn how to build a life time monthly residual income should be something you want to do.

The Income For Life WordPress Community

One of my earlier post was on my goal of building a WordPress community around The Income For Life affiliate membership program. That is what I am doing with post like this and by designing this blog as a training program. As you can see the affiliate membership program I am promoting is based on a simple math formula that anyone can learn and teach. This is not rocket science or hard to learn or do, it’s just a simple program that anyone can learn and do. If you decide to join the community I will help you anyway I can, for now I will leave the links to the Income For Life affiliate membership program if you want to check it out and possibly join.

Link to affiliate website.

Link to affiliate website.

Link to The 5+5+5 Training Program

If you want to have a conversation just post a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
